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<< Invitados Internacionales / International Guests

Dan McKereghan (New York, USA)


Es un artista de performance de Brooklyn, activo en la performance de Nueva York durante 20 años. Él ha presentado casi 100 performances y acciones de calle. Sus recientes trabajos incluyen presentaciones en prestigiosos Festivales incluyendo Annart, Rumania, Castle of Imagination, Polonia, Cleveland Performance Art Festival, EE.UU., Trace en Gales y Amorph! en Helsinki, Finlandia.



Is a performance artist from Brooklyn, active in the New York performance scene for 20 years. He has presented almost 100 performances and street actions. Recent solo works include presentations at prestigious festivals including Annart, Rumania, Castle of the Imagination, Poland, Cleveland Performance Art Festival, USA, Trace in Wales and Amorph! in Helsinki.