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Email Lisa Marie Patzer

(Denver, Colorado)


Lisa Marie Patzer is coordinating a group performance art video that thus far involves video artists from Colorado, California, and London. The video artists have received the following instructions:

On September 27th, at the hours of 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm, video tape yourself answering these questions, with as much creative interpretation as you wish:

What is in front of you?

What is behind you?

What is to the right of you?

What is to the left of you?

The video clips from each artist will be edited by Lisa Marie, into a composite video for 4 Cardinales. The title of the final video will be titled ORIENTATION. The intention of the piece is to capture the "orientation" of different people at the same physical time on the same day. The times of 12, 3, 6 and 9 were chosen because they are the cardinal directions on the face of the clock.
