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Devora Neumark

(Montréal, Québec)

I have recently moved into a bungalow on a street called CARDINAL in Ville Emard (Montreal) Quebec.

From "be/coming home'" to "being home" has been a journey that has taken me through many states and worlds even. 4 Cardinals calls to me on every level and my first and immediate response is inspired by the Rumi quote and the simplicity of surrendering to gravity, the full body prostrations of the Jewish High Priests on Rosh Hashanah (The New Year) which falls this year on (of course!) Saturday, September 27th, and the practice of presence through qigong, I would love to participate by "let(ing) the beauty we love be what we do. there are thousands of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."

The durational performance would be simply this exploration/connection with the ways in which I kneel and kiss the ground. This ground here/now that is home to a very old and tall evergreen, that has a source running underground through my basement, that is the first piece of land that I am response-able for... in gratitude and prayer on this street called Cardinal.


One note to consider:

I am currently in the process of a year long (plus) investigation of what I am calling "The Aikido of Performace or the Quantum gestures of interrelatedness with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, InterArts Office.