"4 cardinals" is an international event of performance art consisting on generating a temporary collective of artists to perform their works simultaneously in diverse parts of the world, on Saturday, September 27th, 2003.

"4 cardinals" deals with the analogy between the four cardinal points guiding us spacely (N-S-E-W) and the 4 main points in the clock guiding us in time (12-3-6-9). This is a global idea, in a very literal yet open way; unlike the "globalization" concept we hear everywhere these days, this project is based upon differences and the co-existence of all kinds of people. From this paradigm we want to generate a coordination of actions based mainly on the concept of time, with performance art as a vehicle of expression of diverse cultures; by this, we want to establish a dialogue between each human fragile subjectivity, from noon to 9 pm, with the objective of raising questions from our common ideals and differences in a specific time frame, and to present performance art as the opposite of production and commodities and as an indivisible unit from their creators, being this an alternative to the generalization implicit in the globalization discourse; transcending the corporal into time and space. Each performance will be of durational nature, performed from 12 noon to 9 in the night; each performance will deal with any issue, just depending on the artist ideas and context. The only condition for participation in this project is that a segment of the performed work must be recorded in video, which will be part of a future exhibition, rotating between the list of all participating countries. The performances can happen in any type of setting and environment, from regular gallery spaces to an artist's room or a public space. The time reference for each participating country must be the local time, by this, the event will be circulating around the clock and at the same time it will be moving from every different latitude, also circulating geographically, traveling the world in only one day. All local events in the different places of the world, will have 9 hours of duration.

Project coordinators: Leonardo Gonzalez & Alexander Del Re (Chile)


Web Design: Camila Schliebener


Balmaceda 1215, Valparaiso, Chile

Galería Arcimboldo, Bs.As., Argentina

Canada Council for the Arts, InterArts Office, Canada

E.P.I. Zentrum/ASA-European, Germany